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Photo by Aaliyah Konick-Seese

meet leland

A third-generation resident of Seattle, Washington, I earned degrees from the University of Washington (BA, English) and Princeton Theological Seminary (Master of Divinity). The poems gathered here comprise efforts to express a lifelong fascination with story, and a hope of aligning formal theological training with a number of mystical experiences. I locate them in the events of my life as a member of families intact and dispersed, foster, adoptive, and biological; as an intrepid fan of baseball; and as one who catches glimpses of the numinous in all these things.

My wife and I, and our six children, live in Seattle.

featured works


Currant leaves unfurl, delicate,

grasshopper green.

Image by photo nic

I'm ticking steady as a timepiece.

Our patience is astonishing to me.

Forest Sunrays

Debut Chapbook

Wherever This All Ends

In Wherever This All Ends, Leland Seese negotiates the catalog of late adulthood’s small indignities and existential dilemmas, its series of good-byes.


Each poem evokes and acknowledges not just the losses, but the graces found along the way, accepting what is as ephemeral as “Lightning, here and gone.”

- Elizabeth Austen, former Washington State poet laureate

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